My daughter will sleep through alarms that awake the rest of the household. Even got her one of those units that shakes the bed, which was only borderline successful with her. Then on a trip, we stayed in a nice motel that was equipped with this alarm. It woke her very effectively. So I wrote down the model number and found it here on Amazon and ordered her one. Now she wakes up for classes on her own. Success.
The unit is small-ish compared to many clock radios, and not particularly hefty, but the numerals are large, and it is relatively simple and straight-forward to operate. We haven't tried the audio jack for plugging into an MP3 player, but that seems like a nice bonus. The radio itself is passable sort of what one would expect in an in-expensive clock radio. But the main thing it that the alarm is not only loud, it is distinct enough of a sound to wake a difficult-to-wake daughter. Also, it is nice that it has a 9V battery backup, in case you live in an area that loses power once and a while.
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