Innova Docking Alarm Clock Radio Black - Innova VR880SA

Innova Docking Alarm Clock Radio Black - Innova VR880SA
  • Functions: Am/Fm Radio
  • Input Type: Ipod
  • Output Type: Stereo Audio
  • Power Source: Ac Adapter.
  • Number Of Speakers: 2.

Well, I suppose I should create a list of Pros/Cons? (this is based on my opinion)



-Understanding of How It Works (simple to work)

-Can run on a battery or be plugged in

-Charges Ipod VERY QuicklyMy Ipod will go from about 20% to 80% in about 30-45 minutes, and fully charged in 1hr

-Comes with Protectors so your ipod fits smoothly and isn't scratched

-You can plug in headphones and will stay at a comfortable volume, so you can charge it and listen at the same time

-Option for either AM or FM Radio, Ipod, or Neither Radio Nor Ipod

-Will Fit any Ipod

-Nice, Large and 'Clicky' Buttons

-Extremely Nice Speaker Quality!!!

-Nice for Indoors And/Or Outdoors (Keep in mind it's not waterproof...)

-Allows you to set Either One or Two Alarms

-Nice Sized Screen (I believe it's 1.5 inches by 1.5 inches)

-Will Allow you to Use your ipod for anything (that doesn't include a microphone) while charging

-Very Durable

-Long Cord and Antennae (antennae is a small, thin wire, not an extendable metal tube)


-Bright Light when both on and offwill light up a completely dark room as if you had on a low brightness lamp

-Very Very loud alarmCan be heard from another floor (no settings to change that)

-Does not fit Ipod Touch (probably not classic either) when there is a Skin or Cover on it (Ipod)

-Somewhat Large and HeavyNot expected for travel

-Sometimes you may have to re-adjust the ipod for it to charge

-Sometimes radio will be fuzzy if you don't touch or are near the Docking Device

Well, I see I really only have a lot of good things to say about this... Not all these pros and cons will apply to everyone (some people may never listen to the radio, use the alarm, etc.) So remember that for every review you read, it applies to that person, and may only tell you certain things that will apply to you.

Buy Innova Docking Alarm Clock Radio Black - Innova VR880SA Now

Time gets off by several minutes each month. This is the most imprecise time measurement machine I've ever owned. Other functions OK.

Read Best Reviews of Innova Docking Alarm Clock Radio Black - Innova VR880SA Here

I don't know where to begin but just setting the clock takes forever and I couldn't figure out how to set the alarm so it sits on my night stand unplugged waiting for me to prepare for yet another attempt.

Want Innova Docking Alarm Clock Radio Black - Innova VR880SA Discount?

This unit SEEMED to have the features we wanted, which were not that complex: alarm clock radio w/ choice of alarm sound sources, including iPod and radio. Perhaps we should have noticed the LACK of a manual or instructions of ANY kind, but HOW HARD could it be to figure THIS OUT? Well, AAMOF, it's hardly intuitive, and it's obnoxious nearly to the point of being punted out the door!

Light is too bright; alarm is ridiculously loud with no apparent option to control the alarm volume; setting ANYTHING on the lame gadget is an exercise in anger management. I wouldn't buy another one with YOUR money!


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