Geneva All-in-One Stereo for CD, iPod, iPhone, Radio, Line-in - Large (Red)

Geneva All-in-One Stereo for CD, iPod, iPhone, Radio, Line-in - Large
  • iPod Universal Dock compatible. This dock works with iPhone 4S and earlier and dock has a 30 pin connection
  • Built-in slot-loading CD.
  • FM Radio with digital tuner.
  • Connects to other MP3 players, vinyl, TV or any line-in audio player
  • 100 Watts of EmbracingSoundTM digital stereo.

A real pleasure which starts with the outstanding packaging, and ends with the finish product. What a Beauty in my living room. First thing to attract the attention of my guests when visiting me. Yes, we can have some small arguments about the quality of the sound when compared with huge stereo installation, but let's be realistic, sound is excellent coming out of this Beauty. I wish I could have space for the XXL, but for the time being I will go for another S one in my office.

Buy Geneva All-in-One Stereo for CD, iPod, iPhone, Radio, Line-in - Large (Red) Now

I've had my red Geneva Sound unit for nearly 2 years now and am still in love with it. It is versatile enough to deliver sound from my blu ray player, docks my iTouch and can hook up to any Mp3 player. The Sound quality is on par with the better Bose SoundDocks. For me though top marks for the aesthetics. It's just beautiful.

Read Best Reviews of Geneva All-in-One Stereo for CD, iPod, iPhone, Radio, Line-in - Large (Red) Here

I stumbled upon Geneva Sound's consumer products early-on; a local electronics store just happened to be one of the very first authorized dealers in the US. I was instantaneously smitten after hearing a Model "L", and purchased one on the spot. It has since been relegated to the bedroom, as I ordered an XL less than 6 months later.

The idea of purchasing a "quality" product at a "reasonable" price does have a certain appeal, and I give, to those of you who are on a limited budget, my utmost assurance that I, too, can relate (trust me, I've been there and done that for more years than I care to remember). But...

There is, in addition to death and taxes, one other sure thing in life: the simple fact that there is NO SUCH THING as a free lunch. A fact that you'll soon discover when it comes time to set up your spiffy new multi-speaker surround sound system in a private dwelling that wasn't designed to accommodate a wide-screen TV connected to 3-6 (or more) specialized components, a subwoofer, and 4-6 speakers, along with concomitant speaker wiring (measured by the yard). Of course, you'll probably need to rearrange, or even reduce in number, some of those frivolous non-essentials like furniture! Oh, and did I mention all those pesky hot-air registers, oddly-placed doorways, etc.? So much for proper speaker placement and "sweet spots".

Hope you naysayers like home projects. And if your employer suddenly decides to relocate 2 months from now, it may be some time before you actually HEAR your new system (moving being another wonderful endeavor I've endured more than once)!

Maybe I'm just a misfit who marches to the beat of a different drummer, but I do think that time and living space are also worthy of inclusion in the purchasing-decision matrix. As far as I'm concerned, I'd cheerfully, uncomplainingly lay down as much as an extra "G" note on a system like this long before I'd consider returning to the audiophile purgatory of wire-entangled, multi-component "entertainment" systems (oh, the pleasure I derived just from DUSTING all that junk!). Given the resolution and clarity of Geneva's products, it's not as though sound quality is being sacrificed; not to MY ears, anyway (and I'm not totally deaf yet, in spite of my best efforts). Anyone who desires to torment the neighbors with better bass response might wish to consider upgrading to the XL, which offers two 8" subwoofers and 600 watts. Sure, it's even more "pricey", but why should cost be an obstacle when it comes to upending mobile homes? It didn't deter ME!

Seriously, though: if you already own a GenevaSound "L" model, you might want to consider proper placement. For best results, position the unit close to a wall (about 6"), at a point roughly equa-distant to the room's corners (ie., right in the middle, if possible). You should also try to move any furniture or other substantial objects that may be sitting to the unit's left or right as far away as you can. You'll get more depth. Unfortunately, this little trick is not mentioned the instruction manual, although I think you'll find it in the pedestal assembly instructions. When I repositioned it accordingly, it actually sounded BETTER than it did in-store. In any case, it's easier to position one box than it is to position many of them. At least it seems to be that way in my universe.

Want Geneva All-in-One Stereo for CD, iPod, iPhone, Radio, Line-in - Large (Red) Discount?

For a lot of money, you get a very sleek, and powerful stereo. The sound is amazing, and the stereo looks great. Did I mention it's expensive?


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