Tenergy Centura AAA Low Self-Discharge LSD NiMH Rechargeable Batteries, 3 Cards 12xAAA

Tenergy Centura AAA Low Self-Discharge LSD NiMH Rechargeable Batteries, 3 Cards 12xAAA
  • Very slow self discharge maintains 85% residual capacity after 1 year of storage.
  • Exact replacement for standard AAA size battery in all the devices.

Let's be honest -I bought these because of the price.

Though it is not mentioned on the description, these are rated 800 mAh. After checking all the (low self discharge -look it up) rechargeable batteries available both on Amazon and elsewhere, I bought these instead of the many others rated for 900 or 1000 mAh, because the price difference is just insane -most of them are over $4 per battery, and some are as much as $6 a battery, once you factor in the shipping. At $19 for 12 batteries shipped, I reasoned that these will end up a better deal in the end one way or the other, because let's face it -most people lose the rechargeable batteries before they get the full 1000 or so cycles out of them anyway.

I decided for the 12 pack because then I can spread out the shipping over more batteries, and with this many of them, I can replace all the AAA batteries in my house, from various remote controls, with rechargeables eventually.

The first thing I did when I got these was to put them through the "refresh" cycle on my LaCross charger. The thing is not cheap but in my opinion well worth it. After the refresh cycle, I fully discharged and then charged them, and to my enormous surprise, each of them held a charge well over the 800mAh rating that was printed on the packaging, ranging from 915 to 1060 mAh in the 8 that I have charged so far.

With so many manufacturers being so disingenuous with the true ratings of their merchandise (I own an Evo phone and have bought many batteries that failed to live up to their supposed ratings), it really just makes my day when I find that something actually not only worked as well but in fct BETTER than advertised, and at a fraction of the price that many other manufacturers set their merchandise at.

Perhaps the one drawback is that the capacities of the individual batteries seems a little inconsistent -as I mentioned, ranging from the low 900's to the mid 1000's. However, considering how cheap these are and the fact that even at the low end of the range, it's much higher than the advertised capacity, I feel it would be really silly to hold that against them. If the consistency makes a huge difference to you, you can always manually label the batteries by the ratings they actually exhibit using a magic marker or something. I don't think it's worth the effort to the vast majority of people -all that it really matters is that these work really great, and are way cheaper than most.

Buy Tenergy Centura AAA Low Self-Discharge LSD NiMH Rechargeable Batteries, 3 Cards 12xAAA Now

I bought some batteries from the auction site in the BAY area that were sourced from China. The prices were cheap and the advertised capacity at the top of current technology. A number of batteries were ordered from three different sources. They were initially charged with a Powerex charger that will cycle them in a way to maximize initial capacity and determine the capacity. It has given consistent results with name brand batteries. I found that the capacity of these batteries were consistently about 25% of advertised, if they weren't defective in the first place. I wound up putting them all in a recycle bin.

So it was with some trepidation that I ordered some Tenergy batteries because of the very attractive price. I was delighted to find, as did another reviewer, that the capacity was above the advertised capacity. My results were comparable with his findings. Very satisfied with product.

Read Best Reviews of Tenergy Centura AAA Low Self-Discharge LSD NiMH Rechargeable Batteries, 3 Cards 12xAAA Here

These batteries are great! They are labeled as 800 mAh but test to be 825-875. Can't be beat for this price.

Want Tenergy Centura AAA Low Self-Discharge LSD NiMH Rechargeable Batteries, 3 Cards 12xAAA Discount?

I was looking for replacement batteries for my Panasonic DECT phones. I've read multiple reviews that said that Panasonic phones were "picky" about many other rechargeables, but these Tenergy Centura's are working great. No error messages from the phone and I got 12 of these batteries for less than the price of 8 Panasonic brand

I was looking for a quality low discharge battery and I have had no problems with these. A great price as well.


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