The back-light color adjustment is just what I needed. Many alarm clock lighting schemes are either too bright for me or are just plain unattractive. I was not only able to choose the right color for me, but also the brightness. Granted it took me a few minutes and a couple of tries to get this setting because it cycles through all the colors of the rainbow and you have to set the button at just the right time to stop it where you want it, but it was also nice to see the other options I could have chosen.
My only problem with this radio is the Daylight Savings adjustment feature. It wasn't a problem until our all-knowing government decided to adjust the beginning of Daylight Savings time. I had to manually adjust the clock 3 or 4 weeks ago when the new time went into effect. And I just had to reset it again this morning when the clock *thought* it was supposed to change.When purchasing a "clock radio", one expects to get adequate feature/functionality from both the clock AND the radio. I bought this for my office because it "looks nice" on my desk.
sufficiently displays the time in digital format
fancy "rainbow" display allows the user to choose virtually any color for the digital display.
date and day of week displayed
horrible, terrible, awful, intolerable reception, even with the little antenna stretched out. Unable to accurately find/tune to even the most powerful local signals. Arrrggh.
Sound Chamber (TM) creates a FULLER sound from a small package.
provides jack for external audio sources (mp3, dvd, cd computer)
CONCLUSION: If you plan to use the radio on this thing, find something else. Dear Timex, how long have clock radios been around? My 20 year old clock radio at home works "like a champ". If the FM-radio was a "new" technology, then I could understand if the reception had some "glitches".... but this is the pits. I will be returning this item ASAP.
Buy Timex Rainbow Display Clock Radio w/MP3 Port T439S Now
I bought this clock regular price at target for $20. Be careful what you buy on Amazon, or you will be cheated. This clock isnt worth $70 (it is a nice clock though)Read Best Reviews of Timex Rainbow Display Clock Radio w/MP3 Port T439S Here
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