I love tracking things so I have tracked the battery life since I had it. The base station batteries lasted about a year. It is the remote batteries I am starting to worry about.
The remote batteries lasted 53 days before the first change, then 49 days to the second. It has trended down since then. From May 09 through Nov 09 I have changed the batteries 7 times with an average lifespan of 24 days. The last three times I had to change it the batteries lasted 22, 17, and 17 days respectively.
The batteries obviously do not last as long in cold weather, but I was spoiled by the 53 and 49 days they lasted when I first bought the unit #never came close again#. As the weather warms, I am interested to see if the battery life improves, but so far the trend is going down. Whether it is due to changes in the remote station or related directly to the ambient temperature remains to be seen. Need more data.
It is a bit annoying that you have to remove the batteries from the base unit to reset it everytime you change the batteries in the remote. You would think they would put a reset button on the base station #simple enough, it would just have to interupt the power)to avoid removing the batteries, but that is wishful thinking on my part.
I also had to create a rain shield for my location for the outside remote since it is not water proof.
Accuray: Very good
Battery life: Good to fair (another year will tell#
Ease of use: Good
Remote setup: Fair #must be sure it does not get wet)
I would reseach other weather stations for being water proof and battery life before buying again. Not sure if others would be any better. Overall, it has performed very well in giving me an accurate outside temperature and humidity. Would definately buy again if I could not confirm something superior out there in its price range.
Buy La Crosse Technology WS-7215U-IT Wireless Weather Station, In Humidty & Outside Temperature Now
Received timely and at a great price!The installation for the remote sensor was easy and works great.
I highly recommend.It set its own time, I like the features of the indoor outdoor thermometer, the time, and the humidity gageI have several stations. I can look at the tempture indoors, outdoor and the garage. One inportant one is in the bathroom. I know how to dress for the day.
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