Samsung Illusion Prepaid Android Phone (Verizon Wireless)

Samsung Illusion Prepaid Android PhoneI bought this phone a few weeks ago for my birthday and I love it. My family say I'm on it so much til I don't really do anything else. I mean this phone has everything that you can think of and it's prepaid. I have absolutely no complaints about it. I think compared to the Iphone, it's the 2nd best thing out right now. And I love how it takes great pictures and it has a camcorder. I don't really even get on the internet anymore because I can do that and more from my phone.

Ive purchased the ILLUSION almost a month ago and its the best phone ive owned. It runs perfect with no complaints. I bought the :pay as you go: phone plan so I wasnt commited to contracts. I would most definitely recommend this phone to anyone who wants something simple to use with some extras. I rate this phone a 4.5, Only because I feel no device is perfect.

Buy Samsung Illusion Prepaid Android Phone (Verizon Wireless) Now

i have never had a cell phone that did not have a built in flash. This is a great phone but you cant take pictures w/o lights being on or outside at nite,theres NO flash :-)

Read Best Reviews of Samsung Illusion Prepaid Android Phone (Verizon Wireless) Here

I got this phone to replace my old phone that I used to have with Cox Communications and T Mobile. This phone is like my G1, but without the QUERTY keyboard. The touch screen is just the right size compared to the Samsung Gem that was smaller than this one. I still have the case for the HTC G1 and the G1 is gone so this phone now fits in the protective case like a glove, so I know this is a great replacement for my G1. I hope my girlfriend gets one of these phones since it will help her with her smart phone needs. This phone has a headphone jack, but does not have a mini HDMI output jack to connect to a TV. It does not have FM radio, but can get internet radio stations and a lot of apps from the google play store. It's like my T510 tablet, but has a earlier version of Google Android, but most apps work on this phone than my Samsung Gem. It does load apps quick and I had fun playing games on it. The reason why I bought this phone is because I used to be a 4 year customer with T-Mobile. T-Mobile was charging me an arm and a leg and keeping me from upgrading to a new 4G phone. So going prepaid will help you save more money than staying with the contract. This is good for people who want to stay out of cell phone debt and have more money in your pocket. It's up to you!

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i been with verizion prepaid service since 2006 and i never thought they were going to get any touch screen phones but i had the LG Extervtor i think thats how you spell it but when i would be listeing to music and get a txt i would have to turn my music off just to read my txt but not wirh this phone i can still listen to my music and read txt, tweet, and be on Facebook i love my SAMSUNG ILLUSION i would highly recommend this phone ! if i could give more than 5 stars i would because this phone is a 10 ! THANK YOU!


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