Juice Rechargeable Alkaline Batteries, Size AAA, 4-Count Packages (Pack of 3)

Juice Rechargeable Alkaline Batteries, Size AAA, 4-Count PackagesFirst of all, those Juice Rechargeable Alkaline Batteries cannot be recharged using ordinary NiMH chargers. You need to get a charger specially designed for rechargeable alkaline cells, or one that can handle multiple battery chemistries (such as the Juice Multi-Battery Charger or Rayovac Universal Battery Charger).

The Juice Rechargeable Alkaline Manganese (RAM) cells are reincarnations of the Rayovac 'Renewal' rechargeable alkaline cells. Rayovac marketed the Renewal batteries and charger system about 10-15 years ago. But due to various limitations (as explained later) it turned out a big failure, and Rayovac consequentially discontinued the whole Renewal product line.

On first glance, the concept of rechargeable alkaline cell sounds great, since it combines advantages from both ordinary alkaline cell (long shelf life, 1.5V terminal voltage) and rechargeable cell (multi-use). Unfortunately, it also inherited the biggest limitation of alkaline cell: high internal resistance. This makes it very inefficient when used in high-drain appliances such as digital camera or flash light. So it is only suitable for low-drain appliances such as wireless mouse, remote control, or smoke detector.

Another serious limitation is energy density. The manufacturer claims that a new Juice AAA RAM cell has capacity of 800mAh (tested with discharge current of 50mA down to 0.8V at 22 degree C). This is 33% lower than the capacity of Duracell alkaline AAA cell (1200mAh under identical test conditions). Worse yet, capacity of Juice RAM cell drops further with each deep-discharge cycle. After just 5-6 charge/discharge cycles, its remaining capacity drops by another 30%. A typical NiMH cell can go through about 500 deep-discharge cycles before it capacity drops to 80% of original value. (This is under controlled test conditions, so in real life your mileage may vary)

The product description claims that Juice RAM cell can be recharged 'up to 100 times'. But this is completely misleading, because it can only be achieved if you shallow-discharge (discharge no more than 25% of capacity) the cell every time. That means you have to remove the cell and recharge it very frequently, before the low-battery indicator ever comes up.

In my opinion, it is just not worth the trouble to 'baby-sit' those rechargeable alkaline cells, especially since you can easily buy low-self-discharge NiMH cells (such as Sanyo Eneloop or Rayovac Hybrid) instead.

[Update on Oct 24, 2010]

I have eight of those Juice Rechargeable alkaline AA cells stored in a box after testing. After about one year of storage, three of those cells leaked electrolyte badly through the negative terminals. Luckily they were not being used in appliances.

These batteries were great for the first year, but started leaking there after. I got about 30 uses before they started leaking, ruining both the charger and my receiver remote. Go with something else, rechargeable alkaline seem like a great concept, these are just poor quality. Not much out there on amazon on rechargeable alkaline, go with NIMH from Sanyo or Rayovac. These alkaline didn't hold charge any longer than either of these, and both have gotten more uses (50+) with no issues.

Buy Juice Rechargeable Alkaline Batteries, Size AAA, 4-Count Packages (Pack of 3) Now

I bought 6 packages of 4 (24 batteries). All of them were leaking when we opened up the box. We are returning these for an exchange -once.

Read Best Reviews of Juice Rechargeable Alkaline Batteries, Size AAA, 4-Count Packages (Pack of 3) Here

I got the AA Juice rechargeable alkaline batteries for the reciever and transmitter of my remote control buggy.. So far they've been great!! I've only put them through 4 or 5 recharge cycles, so I cant comment on how many charge cycles they'll take, but I can say that Im very pleased with them so far!

Want Juice Rechargeable Alkaline Batteries, Size AAA, 4-Count Packages (Pack of 3) Discount?

Excellent,though hard to find battery.Wish it came in more sizes.Exceptional performance which took me by surprize.Quick charges and long cycles in between.Highly recommended.Too bad for Rayovac for not making them anymore.

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