The cradle has a magnet inside, which triggers the phone to go into a different mode, where it displays a clock in landscape mode, and never turns the display off. This makes it usable as an alarm clock: It even has a weather widget and some others that you can configure along the bottom of the display.
But you can turn the display off, if you like, by pressing the power button on (what is now) the lower left side of the phone.I love this charger. You can put your phone in it and use it for a charging dock or to hold it up while you're watching a video or listening to music. You can have it always show the time like a little clock and it will work as an alarm clock too. It's great! There's a little plastic adapter on it too if you just want to use it to cradle your phone without charging. I highly recommend it!
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What more can I say, turn your phone into a nightstand clock with charging and customize able features. Never knew my phone could do this, I can even add certain widgets, like spotify remote to control my computer, and even lets you add or replace shortcuts.
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