All such remotes have distance limits. Many others say 100 feet, this one says 300ft. All get attenuated significantly, when passing through various thicknesses of walls, etc. For me, this one works where other brands did not, e.g. from inside a underground irrigation control box.
Note that the same one alarm range for remote temperature applies to each remote thermometer. And the base reporting unit can monitor up to three remote thermometer sensors. If you want more than one remote, to get it, it may be worth buying more than one set of base+remote. I did not find just an extra remote alone at a lower price. This has the fringe benefit that then all sensors broadcast to all base stations. All my units were calibrated equally, so having only one alarm range works fine.
It also has a weather "forecast" feature over the next 12 hours, but this is not driven by barometric readings, nor by weather radio, but is only an estimate based on temperature and humidity. Supposedly correct 78% of the time, and in any case fun to watch the icons for sun and rain.
Buy Honeywell TE532ELW Long Range Weather Forecaster with Humidity and Atomic Clock Now
This weather forecaster works perfectly. It synched right up the first time, and is accurate and easy to read. The backlight is great. Pay attention to the dimensions -it's a little big for a nightstand.I've had it about 2 years. I put the outside part about 80 ft. away under the eave of my garage. I mounted the inside part on a wall about 6 ft. from the kitchen window, where it has a right-edge straight-shot view of the remote. The kitchen window has a ceramic ledge, and every now and then I put a pot or bag of sugar or something on the ledge it may 'lose' my signal from outside.Initial setup takes some study, because each press control does 2 or 3 different things. If signal from outside is lost, press and hold the Down button for several seconds to search fresh. It polls about every 15 min. otherwise.
When it gets harder to read and loses signal a lot, change the main set batteries. There's no other warning than that. If it doesn't pick up the time at daylight savings, I put it in the car when I go to work. When I get home it's got it. Perhaps it's having less 'roof' between itself and the signal, or getting a clear shot to the satellite at some point.
It defaults to west coast time zone, if the minutes are right but the hour isn't, the time zone needs to be modified. Put the manual in a drawer for reference, one will never remember the key combos from use to use. I wrote some common things on a post-it and affixed it to the back.
The barometer feature is kind of useless. I'd prefer a number readout rather than have it guess based on barometer reading whether it's raining, partly cloudy, etc. It's wrong a lot of the time, since there is never really a perfect relationship between air pressure and weather, only a statistical one (i.e. at this reading it rains 70% of the time). I like it because I had a sliver of wall about 8" wide to hang something, and I get clock, indoor-outdoor weather and month-day.
Want Honeywell TE532ELW Long Range Weather Forecaster with Humidity and Atomic Clock Discount?
This unit is great. It is compact and takes up little space, but provides all the information needed for weather. It has a good display, for those of us who need to see "big" characters on the screen. It actually is very acurate according to comparisons with the weather bureau. We think it is an extremely good buy for the quality.
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